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KNIHA II / 2024. Acta Culturae Librorum / Časopis pre výskum dejín knižnej kultúry. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2024, 225 strán. ISSN 2989-4158

The entire issue in pdf (2 264 kB), in flipbook.


Angela ŠKOVIEROVÁ : The Works of Louis Blosius and its Path to Slovak (Czech and Polish) Reader (220 kB)

Eva MÂRZA : Slovak Calendars Preserved in the University Library of Cluj (16th ‒ 17th Century) (1 932 kB)

Andreea MÂRZA : From the History of Batthyaneum Library in Alba Iulia, Transylvania: Library Catalogues (19th Century) (224 kB)

Anna SZAKÁL : Travelogues and the Early Ethnographic Collecting Movement in Transylvania in the 1830 – 40s (266 kB)

Bronislava NAVAROVÁ : About Never Published Document „Kňíhtlačiťelstuo“ from Karol Venich (435 kB)

Lívia KURUCOVÁ : Karol Salva Through the Eyes of his Co-workers and Apprentices (193 kB)

Júlia PAPP : 19th Century Artworks – Photographs in Hungarian Libraries and Museums (12 455 kB)

Katarína IHRINGOVÁ : The Library of Aby Warburg and the Thoughs about the Role of Library as Place of Cultural Memory (187 kB)


Martin BALOGA : Documentation and Research of Book Binding of the Incunables of the Book Collection of Franciscan Library from Kremnica (2 035 kB)

Daniela ŠKULOVÁ : Documentation and Research of Book Decoration of the Incunables of the Book Collection of Franciscan Library from Kremnica (6 120 kB)

Peter RUŠČIN : The Edition of Melodies of Slovak Spiritual Songs from Notated Prints of 16th and 18th Centuries (214 kB)

Jitka MACHOVÁ : The Project NAKI II “The Broadside Ballads in the Historical Collections in Brno” (1 874 kB)



Angela KURUCOVÁ : Historical Book Collection, History of Book Culture in the Region: The Mosaic of Activities and Projects in State Scientific Library in Košice (978 kB)


Ivana POLÁKOVÁ : The Tribute to Elena Midriaková – a Great Bibliographer and Germanist (1 964 kB)


Mária PITÁKOVÁ a Tomáš TOMO. Tlače 16. storočia vo františkánskych knižniciach uložené vo fondoch Slovenskej národnej knižnice. (Michaela Sibylová) (107 kB)

Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok 1671 – 1685 (5. kötet) kol. Heltai János, Kovács Eszter, P. Vásárhelyi Judit, Perger Péter, Szvorényi Róbert, Tóth Anna Judit és V. Ecsedy Judit. (Miroslava Soláriková) (110 kB)