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Authors interested in publishing your contribution in the journal Kniha should submit a manuscript to an editor in editorial deadline (15th January and 15th May). All the manuscripts must be edited accordning to guidelines for authors.  Papers intended for publishing in the section studies or materials need to be approved by two independent reviewers as well as editorial board. Articles intended for publischig in other sections need to be approved by editorial board.

By sending the contribution, the author agrees to the GDPR regulation on the processing of personal data for the purposes of concluding a licence agreement.






First Name and LAST NAME of the Author – First Name and LAST NAME of the Co-Author



            Abstract of the paper, max 500 words (abstract will be translated to Slovak language as well)

            4-5 keywords


Your own text

We ask you to format the text of the study directly in the presented template with a specified formatting. If you insert the text into a template from another document, it is recommended to upload files through a function Paste – Paste Special – Unformatted text (MS Word 2007), or a function Edit – Paste Special – Paste Unformatted text (MS Word 2003). If you follow this instruction, the format of template will not change.


Please write your contribution by using Times New Roman font (size of the basic text, 12 points), without formatting (justified text, single-spaced 1.0, with no tabs). Headings and subheadings please write bold, "quotes" and "technical terms" in quotation marks, names of works in italics, the names of grants, projects, etc. bold italics.

Please respect the following text range:

  • studies and materials – papers should not exceed 30 pages (that means the maximum range 54,000 characters including spaces), including all image attachments, contact lists and literature;
  • chronicle – articles should not exceed 10 pages (max 18,000 characters including spaces);
  • reports from library practice, information about finished and ongoing scientific projects and collaborations – articles should not exceed 10 pages (max 18,000 characters including spaces);
  • reviewes – should not exceed 4 pages (max 7,200 characters including spaces);
  • reports from conferences and other scientic events – should not exceed 4 pages (max 7,200 characters including spaces).

Please use dash while writing dates, for example 1741 – 1780, 15th – 16th century, 11 – 13 May (shortcut key for dash is AltGr+0150). If you would like to shorten names or words please write a full form of name in a first appearance in the text and place abbreviation in brackets, for example Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (MTA).


Please insert pictures and graphs to a new row and align them in the middle. Descriptions under pictures and graphs should be numbered.Even though the images are loaded in the text, please send them separately in the Attachment in the highest possible quality (800x600 pixels or 600 dpi). Graphs send also separately in excel as well as pdf. format.  If you refer in the text to the attached picture/graph – indicate the figure number in square brackets [1] (For example: ... This work contains an illustration [2], created by well-known...)


Pict. 1. Example of the picture


When you will be sending your contribution, please name the file with your name and your surname without capital letters. For example: Mr. John Black will be written as "black_john.doc". Please send your file in MS Word format (.doc) or Open Office format (.odt) to:


Citations: Please use the system of references via footnotes – insert the following: "Insert" – "Link" – "Footnote ..." Please note the following bibliographic citations in footnotes under current STN ISO 690: 2012. Examples:

1. Book : REPČÁK, Jozef. Prehľad dejín kníhtlače na Slovensku. Bratislava: Tlač, 1948, p. 127.

2. Book :  KOMOROVÁ, Klára. Knižnica Zachariáša Mošovského. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2009, p. 79.

3. Paper from the Proceedings; :  KOVAČKA, Miloš and Anna KUCIANOVÁ. 35. výročie ŠVK v Banskej Bystrici. In: Banská Bystrica. Banská Bystrica: ŠVK, 1998, p. 14-16.

4. Paper from the Proceedings :  KOMOROVÁ, Klára. Najstaršie trnavské tlače v Slovenskej národnej knižnici v Martine. In: Kniha 2005: zborník o problémoch a dejinách knižnej kultúry. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2005, p. 341-345.

5. Paper from newspapers : ANDREJČÍKOVÁ, Nadežda. Komunikácia a kooperácia IS pre knižnice: úvod do komunikačného protokolu Z39.50. In: Bulletin Centra vedecko-technických informácií SR. 1999, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 54-59. ISSN 1335-793X; Internet Citations in Journals: A Vanishing Resource? In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2004, vol. 96, no. 12, p. 969-971.

4. Online resource : Dohovor o ochrane svetového kultúrneho a prírodného dedičstva [online]. 2009 [cit. 2009-01-12]. Available from:

5. Online resource : KUCIANOVÁ, Anna. Metóda citovania podľa STN ISO 690: 2012[online]. 2015 [cit. 2016-01-18]. Available from:

In case that you are referring to a book which you have already cited, please use a method of shortened reference : KOMOROVÁ, ref. 3, p. 95.




Behind your own text place a list of bibliographic references in alphabetical order.



KOMOROVÁ, Klára. Knižnica Zachariáša Mošovského. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2009. ISBN 978-80-89301-53-9.

KOVAČKA, M., ed. Bibliografický zborník 1992 - 93. Martin: Matica slovenská, 2000. ISBN 80-7090-507-7.

KOVAČKA, Miloš and Eva AUGUSTÍNOVÁ, eds. Cithara Sanctorum 1636 – 2006. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2008. ISBN 978-80-89301-24-9.

LICHNEROVÁ, Lucia. Kníhkupecké povolania na európskom knižnom trhu 15. st. In: Knižnica. 2015, vol. 16, n. 2, p. 54-63. ISSN 1336-0965.

DALLOUL, Zaynab. Alexander Apponyi and the dream of Scipio. In: M. Soláriková, ed. Kniha 2015: Zborník o problémoch a dejinách knižnej kultúry. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2015, p. 130-139.


Name and Surname of the Author (along with your titles)

Mailing address, including zip code of the work-department, e-mail, telephone contact

            Brief information about author and his scientific research (2-4 sentences).