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KNIHA I / 2024. Acta Culturae Librorum / Časopis pre výskum dejín knižnej kultúry. Martin: Slovenská národná knižnica, 2024, 209 strán. ISSN 2989-4158


The entire issue in PDF (2,05 MB), in flipbook.



Miriam Poriezová – Tomáš Janura : The Traces of Italian Culture in the Library of Gašpar Pongrácz (PDF, 264 kB)

Michaela Sibylová : The Prints from 16th Century from the Library of Count Rudolf Chotek from Dolná Krupá (PDF, 708 kB)

Alica Krištofová : The Research of the Provenance of the Noble Libraries in the Region of Považie (PDF, 2 249 kB)

Matúš Molnár –  Katarína Banyászová : Noble Library of Andrássy Family in the Betliar Estate : The Development of Book Collection with Regard to Exlibris Marks and Ownership of the Books (PDF, 2 240 kB)

Pavla Holíková : Handwritten Exlibris and Dedication Notes. The Interesting and Curious Notes in Moravian Noble Libraries (PDF, 3 787 kB)

Mariana Čentéšová : Zborov Priest Jozef Rembecký and his Library (PDF, 1 510 kB)

Mária Ondriová : The Parish Libraries in the Deanship of Stará Ľubovňa County (PDF, 247 kB)

Juraj Kiss : The Beginnings of the Bishop’s Library in Banská Bystrica (PDF, 1 637 kB)

Lenka Rišková : The Book as Means of Building Relationship with Native Language at the Turn of 18th and 19th Centuries. Reflections of Bohuslav Tablic (1769 – 1832) (PDF, 208 kB)


Anna Tüskés : Manuscript and Manuscript Entries in the Miscellanea Collection of the Premonstratensian Abbey’s Library in Jasov (PDF, 216 kB)

Ida Girašková : The Editions of Mattioli Herbarium in the Collections of State Scientific Library in Košice – Public Access (PDF, 2 100 kB)

Ingrid Papp : The Database of Hungarian Early Modern Funeral Speeches (PDF, 237 kB)

Eszter Kovács : The prints written in Slovak Language in The Latest Edition of Régi Magyarországi Nyomtatványok (V. 1671 – 1685) (PDF, 254 kB)

Non peer-reviewed section

Reports from Libraries

Mária Pitáková : The History of the General Catalogue of the 16th Century Prints (PDF, 228 kB)

Viktorija Vaitkevičiuté : Researching Documentary Heritage at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (PDF, 232 kB)


Pálenčárová, Radka. Ženy pred súdom. Hriešne ženy z Abova. Ružmberok: Society for Human Studies, 2023. (Stanislava Knapčoková) (PDF, 106 kB)

Voit, Petr. Boj o volnou plochu, Slepotisk na české knižní vazbě 16. století dle databáze NUSK a Strahovské knihovny v Praze. Praha. královská kanonie premonstrátu, 2023. (Martin Baloga) (PDF, 93 kB)