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The Malohont Learned Society published 25 volumes of the yearbook Solennia in the period 1809 – 1842. One of significant and active members of the society was Peter Pavol Šramko (1775 – 1839) – the Protestant priest, literary historian and journalist. In Solennia (Vol. XX, 1828) he released article in German titled Uiber die im Dorfe Klenótz, Gömör-Ki-Honther Comitats, befindlichen Bibeln. Šramko divided described Bibles into two categories – titles which were situated in the parsonage and titles which he discovered in the Klenovec village directly. Šramko’s contribution represents specific research work on book history culture in chosen region in the first third of the 19th century.

Keywords: Bibles, Klenovec, 16th – 19th century, Peter Pavol Šramko, yearbook Solennia