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The following thesis provides an insight into the book culture represented by printing censorship during the counter-reformation era and within the territory of nowadays Slovakia. Key would be the work by a prominent Jesuit monk Antonín Koniáš – Clavis heaeresim claudens et aperiens and its latter version Index bohemicorum librorum prohibitorum et corrigendorum, edited by Antonín Petr Příchovský. Both registers include a significant number of publications written or printed within the area of Upper Hungary. Higher attention would be paid to those works on the registers that are also part of the collection of University Library in Bratislava (UKB). We will consider the influence of the counter-reformation in the Kingdom of Hungary on the creative process, printing and spreading of the prohibited books as well as on the lives of its authors and printers.

Keywords: Slovak book printing, censorship, index librorum prohibitorum, reformation, Koniáš